HYHK Events

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HYHK is excited to kick off another season of fun and free events for all ages in Bella Abzug Park and in the district in May 2025. From free yoga and boot camp to concerts, movies, and dance lessons, HYHK has something for everyone.

Check out some of our signature programming below that runs from May to October. For information on cancellations due to weather, head to our Instagram @hudsonyardshellskitchen

Wellness Programming

Join Bien Good Well every Monday and Wednesday at 6 pm, and Saturdays at 10:30 am, from May to October for free yoga classes in Bella Abzug Park. For a full schedule and to register for free classes click here.

We are excited to partner with Mark Fisher Fitness, a local Hell’s Kitchen small business, to provide 8 weeks of free bootcamp on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm in May and June. Learn more and sign up here.

Music + Dance

Once a month on Thursdays join HYHK for DJ dance parties with Vinyl Nights and DJ The Real from May to October.

Wednesdays in June, July, and August enjoy free salsa and bachata classes, a live band, and dancing in partnership with Somos Latin Dance and Paradis in the Park.

Kids + Families

On Tuesday mornings head to the playground at Bella Abzug Park for acoustic concerts with Mike Messer Music from May to October.

Every Tueday night in August we will be screening a throwback movie in the park! Free popcorn, giveaways, and more.